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404 1st St
Cordova, AK, 99574
United States


We invite you to join the mass migration of Pacific shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and songbirds.  Their shoreside respite is framed against the pristine backdrop of coastal glaciers and mountains, the breathtaking vista that we call home.  Come armed with your binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, sketch books and pencils and leave with a heart full of memories.

2025 Shorebird Festival Cover Photos (2500 x 1080 px) (1).jpg

2025 Schedule

The 2025 Shorebird Festival is taking flight! Our schedule is continuously evolving as we add more exciting activities. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a first-time visitor, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned!

Filtering by: presenters
Copper River Gallery Opening
5:00 PM17:00

Copper River Gallery Opening

Join us for a celebration of migration through art!

The gallery will be open throughout the weekend, with the opening on Thursday evening alongside the Birds by Hand display. This annual bird-inspired art exhibition highlights the beauty of migration through works by local and Alaskan artists. Experience the intersection of art and nature in this captivating showcase.

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Presenter- Bianca Bosarreyes
5:30 PM17:30

Presenter- Bianca Bosarreyes

Coordinator of the Sipacate chapter at the Foundation for EcoDevelopment and Conservation FUNDAECO and Researcher at the Eastern Regional Centre from the National Public University (Centro regional de Zacapa de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, CUNZAC)
Biologist; thirteen years of experience in management and monitoring birds; researcher for several local NGO´s and governmental institutions like San Carlos University, the National Secretary of Science and Technology Development; Consultant for many natural private reserves and development of environmental impact assessment including hydroelectric and wind energy projects; since 2018 working on marine-coastal issues specifically with shorebirds; associate researcher in projects such as Telemetry Study with Quetzal, birdlife inventories in Dry Forest, pollinators in melon crops and National Quetzal Conservation Strategy; experience un in hydroelectric, wind farms and oil palm biodiversity monitoring projects.

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Presenters: Amy-Claire Huestis & Kim Trainor
5:00 PM17:00

Presenters: Amy-Claire Huestis & Kim Trainor

Amy and Kim present their community project from the Coast Salish territories of the Fraser River, "walk quietly: ts’ekw’unshun kws qututhun (walk quietly with respect and care along the shore),” a curated guided walk situated at Hwlhits'um (Brunswick Point in Delta, British Columbia)—a key shorebird stopover site along the Pacific Flyway and feeding ground of the Western Sandpiper. The project shares diverse perspectives of this magical place, told by scientists, artists, and Hwlistsum and Cowichan knowledge holders. It brings attention to the threat to the Western Sandpiper due to the approved expansion of a shipping terminal at the site.

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Keynote Speaker: Subhankar Banerjee
6:00 PM18:00

Keynote Speaker: Subhankar Banerjee

Included in Paid Festival Registration.

This Year's Keynote Speaker!

Subhankar Banerjee is a photographer, writer, curator and conservationist. He is a professor of Art & Ecology and director of the Center for Environmental Arts and Humanities at the University of New Mexico. Since 2002, he has been working closely with Indigenous Gwich’in and Iñupiat elders (who are among his most important teachers), scientists and conservationists in Alaska. He is the author of Seasons of Life and Land: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the editor of Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point.

His photographs have been exhibited in more than fifty museums around the world, including the 18th Biennale of Sydney, the Anchorage Museum, and the University of Alaska Museum of the North. He most recently served as the director and cocurator (with Dr. Jennifer Garcia Peacock) of “a Library, a Classroom, and the World,” a project for the 2022 Venice Biennale art exhibition Personal Structures organized by the European Cultural Centre in Venice, Italy. He has received a number of conservation awards for his contribution to conservation of Alaska’s Arctic and Indigenous rights, including an inaugural Greenleaf Artist Award from the United Nations Environment Programme; a National Conservation Achievement Award from the National Wildlife Federation and a Special Achievement Award from the Sierra Club; a Housberg Award from the Alaska Conservation Foundation; and was named an Arctic Hero by the Alaska Wilderness League. Subhankar is currently working on a book on the global history of shorebirds.

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Presenter: Erin Cooper
6:00 PM18:00

Presenter: Erin Cooper

About the Presenter: Erin Cooper, a Wildlife Biologist for the Forest Service, has lived and worked in Cordova for 24 years. Her work has ranged from shorebirds and waterfowl to mountain goats and moose with a focus on ecosystems of the Copper River Delta. Since 2001 she has been a core member of the Copper River International Migratory Bird Initiative, promoting international conservation for migratory birds and their habitats throughout the Pacific Flyway.

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Presenter- Ivo Tejeda
7:00 PM19:00

Presenter- Ivo Tejeda

Ivo Tejeda is executive director of Red de Observadores de Aves y Vida Silvestre de Chile (ROC). Through this organization, he has contributed to the development of eBird in Chile, the first Breeding Birds Atlas of Chile, and several shorebird and seabird monitoring and conservation projects. Recently, he has actively participated in the development and implementation of conservation planning initiatives, including Chile's National Bird Conservation Strategy, the Chilean Shorebird Conservation Plan, and the conservation plan for storm-petrels in northern Chile.

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Presenter- Rodd Kelsey
6:25 PM18:25

Presenter- Rodd Kelsey

Rodd oversees TNC California’s Rewilding the Central Valley Strategy focused on developing water and land management solutions in the Central Valley to ensure nature and people get the water and habitat they need, when they need it.  Specifically, Rodd leads TNC’s teams focused on providing critical habitat on farmlands and wetlands for migratory birds where and when they need it most, as well as projects focused on strategic habitat restoration in the San Joaquin Valley to restore declining ecosystems and achieve sustainable water management. Rodd also co-leads some of TNC’s research projects with partners at Point Blue Conservation Science and Audubon California on shorebird migration and habitat needs along the Pacific Flyway. He has over 25 years of experience in wildlife research and natural resources conservation, with a B.A. in environmental conservation at the University of Colorado, an M.S. in biology at California State University, Long Beach, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis.

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Presenter: Monica Iglecia
6:00 PM18:00

Presenter: Monica Iglecia

Virtual Option Available. In-Person at the Cordova Center

Monica Iglecia, U.S. Coordinator for Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture. Monica’s career and education have been dedicated to international bird and habitat conservation through applied science and collaborative partnerships from the site-level to the flyway scale. She believes we can do more when we work together and is committed to creating and supporting an environment where birds and people can thrive, in the Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture service area and beyond.

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Presenter: Chris Webber, Big Year
1:40 PM13:40

Presenter: Chris Webber, Big Year

Chris Webber
Big Year Presentation

My personal profile is pretty simple.  I was born in Cordova, raised in Washington state.  Spent my summers in Cordova fishing with my family.  I currently work for Alyeska pipeline in Valdez and my home is in Anchorage. Hobbies are traveling (have been to over 50 countries), scuba diving, hiking with our dogs, running, and of course bird watching. 

Big Year:
It’s been an incredible journey that’s taken me across 17 different states and just about every climate region imaginable. Some things didn’t quite go to plan but even more things worked out better than I could’ve imagined. It’s been an adventure I will be able to proudly look back on and say “what the hell was I thinking”? 🤣

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Presenter:  Marybeth Holleman, Poetry Reading
1:30 PM13:30

Presenter: Marybeth Holleman, Poetry Reading

1:30-1:40 Saturday May 6th

Marybeth will be reading a few bird-centric poems from her new collection tender gravity, and sharing a few tips for making poems from field notes. She'll also have copies of her books available for signing.

A short bio:

Marybeth Holleman’s newest book is the poetry collection tender gravity. She’s also author of The Heart of the Sound, co-author of Among Wolves, and co-editor of Crosscurrents North, among others. Her award-winning work has appeared in venues including Orion, Christian Science Monitor, Sierra, Literary Mama, ISLE/OUP, North American Review, AQR, zoomorphic, Minding Nature, The Guardian, and The Future of Nature. Raised in North Carolina’s Smokies, Marybeth transplanted to Alaska's Chugach Mountains after falling head over heels for Prince William Sound two years before the Exxon Valdez oil spill. She now lives in Anchorage, but spends as much time as possible kayaking and hiking in the wilds of Alaska, especially Prince William Sound and Denali, when she's not at home watching birds visit her heated birdbath. Visit her online at and on Instagram @mbhalaska

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Keynote Speaker: Gerrit Vyn
7:00 PM19:00

Keynote Speaker: Gerrit Vyn

Virtual Option Available. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

This Year's Keynote Speaker!

Gerrit Vyn is a wildlife photographer and cinematographer for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, a Senior Fellow at the International League of Conservation 

Photographers and has been photographing birds and wildlife professionally for the last 25 years. His most recent book, The Living Bird, was a New York Times Bestseller and National Outdoor Book Award winner. Gerrit’s work is published regularly in magazines, including National GeographicBBC Wildlife and Audubon, and has been featured in media outlets including NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, Morning Edition, and The Seattle Times. Visit him online at and on Instagram @gerritvyn.

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Presenter: Eduardo Palacios
6:15 PM18:15

Presenter: Eduardo Palacios

Virtual Option Available. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

Dr. Eduardo Palacios is the Shorebird Research Biologist for the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE). Eduardo completed his PhD in 2001 from UC Davis. He has spent the last 25 years working as a researcher in Conservation Biology with CICESE. He implements bird monitoring and conservation projects with different NGOs across the US and Mexico, including Pro Esteros, Pronatura Noroeste, and Terra Peninsular. Eduardo also works with the Manomet Center for Conservation Science as the Shorebird Recovery Project Coordinator for Northwest Mexico, and wrote the Recovery Plan for shorebirds for the region. He recently helped secure the legal protection of four shorebird species and currently is coordinating the Point Blue Conservation Science’s Migratory Shorebird Project in Mexico.

Eduardo Palacios - Sonoran Joint Venture (

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Net Loft Presenting Artist Presentation- John Muir Laws
6:00 PM18:00

Net Loft Presenting Artist Presentation- John Muir Laws

Join us at the Copper River Art Gallery opening to hear John Muir Laws, the Net Loft’s Presenting Artist Speak!

John Muir Laws is a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. He is a naturalist, artist, and educator who has dedicated his work to connecting people to nature through art and science. From an early age, his parents instilled in him a deep love and respect for nature. Over the years, that love has grown into a commitment to stewardship and a passion to share the delight of exploring nature with others.  As both a scientist and artist, Laws has developed interdisciplinary programs that train students to observe with rigor and to refine techniques to become intentionally curious. He is the founder and president of the Wild Wonder Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to encouraging nature connection and conservation through attention, curiosity, art, science, and community.

Brought to you in part by Cordova Arts and Pageants.   Thank you!! 

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7:00 PM19:00

Mike Webber Totem Pole Presentation

  • Cordova Center, North Star Theater (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lifelong Cordovan and Alaska Native carver, Mike Webber, will discuss the process and meaning behind the totems he recently carved for the new Prince William Sound Science Center. Vivid land and sea imagery abounds throughout his design which features two prominent birds with important ties to Alaska Native culture, the eagle and the raven.

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6:00 PM18:00

Presenters: River Gates & David Krause, Audubon Alaska

River Gates joined Audubon in 2017 and currently coordinates the Pacific Shorebird Conservation Initiative, which engages conservationists and communities around the most pressing conservation issues that threaten shorebirds throughout their annual cycles. She has more than 20 years of experience leading international shorebird conservation and research projects in the Pacific and East Asian-Australasian flyways.

David Krause has extensive experience living and working throughout Alaska. Much of his professional experience has focused on developing solutions that simultaneously achieve public health, community development, and conservation objectives. Prior to joining Audubon, he worked on federal land management and energy policy for The Wilderness Society. David has also worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on remote Yukon River tributaries and for the Wild Salmon Center in Oregon and Alaska. From 2017 - 2020, he served as an appointed member of the BLM Alaska Resource Advisory Council.

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3:00 PM15:00

Presenter: Ana Agreda

Shorebird Festivals and more, how Ecuadorian communities celebrate migration.

In Ecuador, Shorebird Festivals are becoming a local traditional fest whereas communities, civil society, and government combine their efforts to promote the value of shorebirds and their critical sites. Ana will describe how their efforts to celebrate shorebirds are providing positive impacts on their communities and ecosystems, and the benefits of partnerships between festivals.

Ana Agreda is an Ecuadorian wildlife biologist whose work has focused on shorebirds since 2007. She wrote the Shorebird Conservation Plan for Ecuador and runs a shorebird and aquatic bird fauna conservation project in three priority sites along the Ecuadorian coast. Education and connection with local people are an important component of all her projects, and for that reason Shorebird Festivals have been in the center of her work. She has coordinated three Shorebird Festivals in Ecuador, each one at the three key sites for shorebird conservation. Prior to her work with shorebirds, she spent significant time on the Galapagos, studying Swallow Tailed Gulls and Nazca Boobies for David Anderson of Wake Forest University. Since returning from the Galapagos, she continued studying birds on the continent and has devoted 25 years of her life to research and conservation of birds in Ecuador. Ana has published six books and 20 scientific articles, has organized explorations to the Amazonian sandstone Condor Cordillera and the Pastaza River Valley, and has also participated in the discovery of several new species for Ecuador. She has dreamt of coming to Cordova, Alaska to learn more about Erin Cooper’s work with the Forest Service and to participate in “one of the most important Shorebird Festivals in America”.

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2:30 PM14:30

Presenter: Fernando Angula

Celebrating shorebirds migration on Peru, South America

Fernando will go through the features of Peru as a country holding many migratory shorebird species, showing habitats they use in an equatorial and tropical country. He will also show what they do to conserve them and their habitats, and how they celebrate them through festivals.

Fernando Angulo Pratolongo is a bird conservationist. who has actively worked with birds and conservation projects since 1990. He has been Director of the White-winged Guan Conservation program from 2000 to 2016, during which time he successfully reintroduced the species in Lambayeque, Peru, where the guan has been recently downlisted to Endangered. He has served as Peru Officer for Threatened Birds and Important Bird Areas for BirdLife International in Peru between 2008 and 2011. He has actively participated in the creation and management of many protected areas in northwestern Peru.

Fernando is co-author of the Peru Shorebirds Atlas and actively works with this group of birds.  He also specializes in birds of the dry forest and northern Peru, and is principal investigator at the Center for Ornithology and Biodiversity (CORBIDI), member of four groups of specialists from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has numerous books, scholarly and popular publications about birds of Peru. He is co-author of the Peru Shorebirds Atlas and actively works with this group of birds. Currently he is the president of the Peru Ornithologists Union (UNOP). Recently he was awarded with “Carlos Ponce” prize as Conservation leader in Perú. 

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12:00 PM12:00

Featured Artist: Kassandra Mirosh

Join our featured art presenter, Kassandra Mirosh, for “Folded Feathers”, an interactive art workshop presented by Cordova Museum & Copper River Gallery. Learn more about the recycle cardboard and paper sculpture work of this talented artist and make your own version.

Contact Cordova Museum to sign up. (907) 424-6665. Class fee $25 with festival registration.

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11:30 AM11:30

Photography Workshop

How to select and best optics for you and a digiscoping review

Selecting optics can be a daunting task, especially when faced with loads of confusing specifications and optical jargon. As a lifelong, hardcpre optics user and now as a manufacturer rep, Jeff Bouton has a unique perspective mixing an understanding of the compromises made in the manufacturing process, as well as fully understanding the expectations of the nature enthusiast in the field. Join us as he debunks the myths and simplifies the optics selection process. In part two, he will cover “digiscoping” a unique style of wildlife photography coupling your phone (or camera) behind the powerful magnification of a spotting scope for unparalleled focal lengths A self described “mad digiscoper” Bouton has had hundreds of images published using just a phone or a small point & shoot camera. Join us to learn the basics!

About Jeff Bouton:

After discovering birds, Jeff Bouton spent over a decade researching birds and guiding bird tours including 8 years working out of Fairbanks, Alaska. For the past 18 years he has worked as an optics rep to the birding / nature community, guiding and speaking at festivals, writing blogs and articles (WildBird, Bird Watcher’s Digest, Birder’s World, and contributing on the ABA’s Bird Finding Guides to Alaska & Florida as well as the birding book “Good Birder’s Don’t Wear White”. A passionate digiscoper Jeff likes to share his knowledge of birds and this unique style of photography with everyone he meets.

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5:00 PM17:00

Presentation: Festivals, Art and Community as Possible Paths for Conservation

Festivals, Art and Community: Possible Paths for Conservation

PRESENTER: Mirna Borrego Lazalde

Education and Community Outreach Officer, Department of Conservation, Terra Peninsular.

Mirna Borrego Lazalde is an outdoor educator. Since 2017, she has been developing experiences and educational programs that promote the contemplation, understanding and conservation of the natural beauty of Baja California and the nature reserves protected by the non-profit organization Terra Peninsular. She coordinates the San Quintin Bay Shorebird Festival which has won the 2020 Partners in Flight Awards for the Festival Community Model Design. In 2018 she participated with the U.S. Forest Service as a part of the Wildlife internship program in Cordova Alaska.

¨If there is something that I wish to leave behind, it is the traces of a deep love and respect for nature¨


Among wetlands, coastal scrub, and volcanoes, there is a particular community, a place where bird migration is celebrated, art supports land management, and curiosity is awakening. For many, the bird festival and the art exhibits provide the first approach to knowledge, the first contact with the conservation work done by Terra Peninsular, and an opportunity to live a comprehensive, collaborative, and memorable community experience.

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11:00 AM11:00

Featured Presenters: Diego Luna & Nathan Senner

Virtual. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

Tune in for a virtual presentation delivered jointly by Diego Luna Quevedo and Nathan Senner.

DIEGO LUNA QUEVEDO - Originally from Montevideo, Uruguay, Diego joined Manomet’s Shorebird Recovery Program in 2009 as a Conservation Specialist in the WHSRN Executive Office. From his office in Santiago, Chile, Diego works to bring together partners in developing alliances and processes for effective conservation. In particular, he leads in the design and implementation of strategies and action plans for WHSRN sites, primarily in Latin America, including building capacity for good governance.

NATHAN SENNER - Dr. Nathan Senner moved all over the country as a child, but claims Alaska as “home.” That time in Alaska led Nathan to take field jobs working with biologists in the most remote corners of the state as a teenager, and ultimately to fall in love with long-distance migratory shorebirds. Nathan went on to earn his B.A. from Carleton College in 2004 and then spend the next year as a Thomas J. Watson Fellow following the migration of Hudsonian Godwits from their breeding areas in Arctic Canada to their non-breeding sites at the southern tip of South America. Returning to the US, he began a PhD in 2007 with Dr. John Fitzpatrick at Cornell University and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, investigating how global climate change was differentially impacting two Hudsonian Godwit breeding populations. From 2012 to 2015, Nathan continued his work with long-distance migratory shorebirds as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands with shorebird guru, Dr. Theunis Piersma. While in The Netherlands, Nathan worked to understand how Black-tailed Godwit migrations and breeding biology were being affected by the combination of global climate change and agricultural intensification. Then, from 2015-2018, Nathan had a post-doctoral position at the University of Montana with Dr. Zachary Cheviron. He has been a professor at the University of South Carolina since January 2019 where his research group focuses on the migration ecology and population dynamics of Hudsonian Godwits, Whimbrels, and Red Knots.

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5:00 PM17:00

Presenter: Erin Cooper

In-Person and Virtual. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

About the Presenter: Erin Cooper, a Wildlife Biologist for the Forest Service, has lived and worked in Cordova for 23 years. Her work has ranged from shorebirds and waterfowl to mountain goats and moose with a focus on ecosystems of the Copper River Delta. Since 2001 she has been a core member of the Copper River International Migratory Bird Initiative, promoting international conservation for migratory birds and their habitats throughout the Pacific Flyway.

About the Talk: Learn about the landscape and ecology of the Copper River Delta in this introductory presentation. Erin will present a brief overview of the Delta, the species that use it, and its connection to the Pacific Flyway.

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2:00 PM14:00

Featured Presenter: Jonathan Vargas

Virtual. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

Tune in for a virtual presentation by Jonathan Vargas. A Mexican biologist, conservationist, birding guide, bird photographer, and shorebird expert; he did research stays in Utah and California and has participated in several shorebirds surveys in Northwest Mexico. Currently, he has been a leader in shorebird conservation in the Bahía Todos Santos, Baja California and a volunteer coordinator of the Urban Bird Program in the city of Ensenada,BC., Mexico.

"The Coastal Solutions project for the conservation of shorebirds in Bahía Todos Santos". It is a multidisciplinary and collaborative project between government agencies, private initiative, civil society organizations and the community. It focuses on reducing threats to shorebirds, increasing the reproductive success of the Snowy Plover, and promoting medium and long-term preservation through public policy management, research, monitoring, adaptive habitat management, festivals, conservation activities and citizen science.

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3:00 PM15:00

Presenter: Lisa Schibley

Virtual. Included in Paid Festival Registration.

About the Presenter: Lisa Schibley joined the Shorebird Recovery Program at Manomet in 2008 and is currently the North American coordinator for the International Shorebird Survey, recruiting and engaging ISS volunteers and finding creative ways to tell shorebird stories using ISS data. Lisa holds an M.S. in Physics from the University of Arizona, and her background is in numerical analysis. As an enthusiastic birder living in Arizona, she coordinated the Tucson Christmas Bird Count and led field trips for the Tucson Audubon Society. She currently leads trips for the South Shore Bird Club.

About the talk: The International Shorebird Survey, founded in 1974 by Brian Harrington at Manomet, brings together two fundamentally powerful ideas. First, to know where conservation is needed and if initiatives have been effective, shorebird scientists need a broad understanding of species populations and trends. And secondly, a dedicated and enthusiastic group of shorebirders across the Western Hemisphere could supply shorebird scientists and conservation partners the data they need to make a difference. Lisa will talk about how ISS fits into Manomet's work with shorebirds, some of its interesting history, how Manomet has successfully expanded the project into South and Central America, what results scientists have gleaned from the data, and how shorebird enthusiasts can contribute data.

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