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404 1st St
Cordova, AK, 99574
United States


We invite you to join the mass migration of Pacific shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and songbirds.  Their shoreside respite is framed against the pristine backdrop of coastal glaciers and mountains, the breathtaking vista that we call home.  Come armed with your binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, sketch books and pencils and leave with a heart full of memories.

Keynote Speaker: Subhankar Banerjee

2025 Schedule

The 2025 Shorebird Festival is taking flight! Our schedule is continuously evolving as we add more exciting activities. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a first-time visitor, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned!

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Keynote Speaker: Subhankar Banerjee

  • Cordova Center 601 1st Street Cordova, AK, 99574 United States (map)

Included in Paid Festival Registration.

This Year's Keynote Speaker!

Subhankar Banerjee is a photographer, writer, curator and conservationist. He is a professor of Art & Ecology and director of the Center for Environmental Arts and Humanities at the University of New Mexico. Since 2002, he has been working closely with Indigenous Gwich’in and Iñupiat elders (who are among his most important teachers), scientists and conservationists in Alaska. He is the author of Seasons of Life and Land: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the editor of Arctic Voices: Resistance at the Tipping Point.

His photographs have been exhibited in more than fifty museums around the world, including the 18th Biennale of Sydney, the Anchorage Museum, and the University of Alaska Museum of the North. He most recently served as the director and cocurator (with Dr. Jennifer Garcia Peacock) of “a Library, a Classroom, and the World,” a project for the 2022 Venice Biennale art exhibition Personal Structures organized by the European Cultural Centre in Venice, Italy. He has received a number of conservation awards for his contribution to conservation of Alaska’s Arctic and Indigenous rights, including an inaugural Greenleaf Artist Award from the United Nations Environment Programme; a National Conservation Achievement Award from the National Wildlife Federation and a Special Achievement Award from the Sierra Club; a Housberg Award from the Alaska Conservation Foundation; and was named an Arctic Hero by the Alaska Wilderness League. Subhankar is currently working on a book on the global history of shorebirds.

Earlier Event: May 3
Presenter: Erin Cooper
Later Event: May 3
Bird Calling Contest