The Birds
In early May, the tidal flats of the Delta shimmer with activity as nearly 5 million shorebirds rest and refuel on the tidal flats. The rich tidal mudflats of the wetland/ocean margin are a vitally important stop for shorebirds during spring and fall migrations. Although migrating shorebirds have "known" about the Delta for eons, it is only recently that humans have begun to grasp its significance.
For all who love wildness, the name of the Copper River Delta strikes a resonant chord. In the far reaches of distant Alaska it is a public treasure of verdant, green muskegs and silty, churning rivers, surrounded by ragged, snow-capped peaks. Although seemingly remote, the Delta is a cosmopolitan highway for migrating birds from throughout the Western Hemisphere. Located along the Pacific Coast of southcentral Alaska, it is a staging area for shorebirds and waterfowl traveling from wintering grounds as far south as Peru, South America.
For a checklist of common birds found in Cordova, click here.
Don't forget to visit to log your bird sightings while you're in Cordova! It's also a neat place to see what kinds are birds are arriving when and where!

The Birds
In early May, the tidal flats of the Delta shimmer with activity as nearly 5 million shorebirds rest and refuel on the tidal flats. The rich tidal mudflats of the wetland/ocean margin are a vitally important stop for shorebirds during spring and fall migrations. Although migrating shorebirds have "known" about the Delta for eons, it is only recently that humans have begun to grasp its significance.
For all who love wildness, the name of the Copper River Delta strikes a resonant chord. In the far reaches of distant Alaska it is a public treasure of verdant, green muskegs and silty, churning rivers, surrounded by ragged, snow-capped peaks. Although seemingly remote, the Delta is a cosmopolitan highway for migrating birds from throughout the Western Hemisphere. Located along the Pacific Coast of southcentral Alaska, it is a staging area for shorebirds and waterfowl traveling from wintering grounds as far south as Peru, South America.
For a checklist of common birds found in Cordova, click here.
Don't forget to visit to log your bird sightings while you're in Cordova! It's also a neat place to see what kinds are birds are arriving when and where!