Speakers — Copper River Delta Shorebird Festival

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404 1st St
Cordova, AK, 99574
United States


We invite you to join the mass migration of Pacific shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and songbirds.  Their shoreside respite is framed against the pristine backdrop of coastal glaciers and mountains, the breathtaking vista that we call home.  Come armed with your binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, sketch books and pencils and leave with a heart full of memories.


2025 Speakers

The Keynote

Rob P. Clay

Rob P. Clay, Ph.D., is a migratory bird conservation expert with over 20 years of experience. Originally from the UK, his passion for Neotropical birds began during an undergraduate expedition to Paraguay in 1992, leading to Ph.D. studies on manakins in Costa Rica and Panama. Before joining WHSRN in 2014, Rob worked with BirdLife International, where he led programs for threatened species and helped establish the Southern Cone Grasslands Alliance. A co-founder of Guyra Paraguay, he is also involved in several key conservation initiatives across the Americas. Rob now lives in Asunción, Paraguay, where he monitors shorebirds at the Asunción Bay WHSRN site with his family.


International Presenter

vianey ramirez

Vianey Ramirez, originally from Colombia, has more than 10 years of experience in shorebird conservation. She joined the WHSRN Executive Office in 2020 as a Communications Specialist, where she managed communications and supported connections among WHSRN sites. In 2024, she transitioned to Community Engagement Specialist, leading efforts to involve communities in conserving shorebird habitats. Vianey previously worked as Communications Coordinator at Asociación Calidris, where she co-authored Colombia’s First National Shorebird Conservation Plan and helped designate the WHSRN site Delta del río Iscuandé. With a degree in Journalism and a passion for creativity, Vianey also designs jewelry and fabric prints inspired by shorebirds.


The Net Loft Presenter

info coming soon