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404 1st St
Cordova, AK, 99574
United States


We invite you to join the mass migration of Pacific shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and songbirds.  Their shoreside respite is framed against the pristine backdrop of coastal glaciers and mountains, the breathtaking vista that we call home.  Come armed with your binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, sketch books and pencils and leave with a heart full of memories.

Presenter- Bianca Bosarreyes

2025 Schedule

The 2025 Shorebird Festival is taking flight! Our schedule is continuously evolving as we add more exciting activities. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a first-time visitor, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned!

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Presenter- Bianca Bosarreyes

  • Cordova Center 601 1st St Cordova, AK, 99574 United States (map)

Coordinator of the Sipacate chapter at the Foundation for EcoDevelopment and Conservation FUNDAECO and Researcher at the Eastern Regional Centre from the National Public University (Centro regional de Zacapa de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, CUNZAC)
Biologist; thirteen years of experience in management and monitoring birds; researcher for several local NGO´s and governmental institutions like San Carlos University, the National Secretary of Science and Technology Development; Consultant for many natural private reserves and development of environmental impact assessment including hydroelectric and wind energy projects; since 2018 working on marine-coastal issues specifically with shorebirds; associate researcher in projects such as Telemetry Study with Quetzal, birdlife inventories in Dry Forest, pollinators in melon crops and National Quetzal Conservation Strategy; experience un in hydroelectric, wind farms and oil palm biodiversity monitoring projects.