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404 1st St
Cordova, AK, 99574
United States


We invite you to join the mass migration of Pacific shorebirds, raptors, waterfowl and songbirds.  Their shoreside respite is framed against the pristine backdrop of coastal glaciers and mountains, the breathtaking vista that we call home.  Come armed with your binoculars, spotting scopes, cameras, sketch books and pencils and leave with a heart full of memories.

Net Loft Indoor Session with Kim McNett

2025 Schedule

The 2025 Shorebird Festival is taking flight! Our schedule is continuously evolving as we add more exciting activities. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a first-time visitor, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Stay tuned!

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Net Loft Indoor Session with Kim McNett

  • Cordova Community Center 601 1st St Cordova, AK, 99574 United States (map)

Indoor Sessions include 2 hour instructional classes followed by 1 hour Open Studio in classroom space for those who want to continue working on projects.  Hot teas and snacks will be provided.

Indoor Classes will meet at Cordova Community Center, Education Room

Quick and Easy Landscape Sketching. Learn beginner-friendly strategies for sketching landscapes and coastal habitats with Kim McNett. A small sketch goes a long way in documenting a sense of place and habitat in your field journal. 

*Personally motivated  10-15 year old nature journalists may accompany a fully paid parent at a reduced rate for Saturday Sessions, with one discounted youth per fully paid registration. Accompanied Youth Scholarship Rate $24 ($22.80 after festival discount) There is a limited number of these youth spaces available. They will need to speak with Dotty first and purchase their own packet of supplies.