8-hour Challenge 1:00 pm-9:00 pm May 5th.
To join, pick up your Birding Challenge Packet at the Welcome Table!
1. Checklists must be turned in to officials before 9:00 pm on May 9th at Reluctant Fisherman restaurant.
2. Teams that fail to meet the 9:00 pm deadline will forfeit one bird from their official total for every five-minute period that they are late.
3. Make sure that you double-check your checklist to verify that all birds recorded have been checked off. Totals are considered final when submitted. NO ALTERATIONS OR CORRECTIONS MAY BE MADE AFTER CHECKLISTS HAVE BEEN TURNED OVER TO OFFICIALS.
4. In the event of a tie, the place will be shared.
Please return the form and entry fee (fee only applies for non-festival Registrants) to the Shorebird Festival Welcome Table. Make checks payable to the CORDOVA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.