Native Conservancy Presents: Revolution Generation
5/6 7pm @ North Star Theatre
REVOLUTION GENERATION the latest documentary by activist/filmmakers Josh Tickell and Rebecca Harrell-Tickell. The film, to be released on Earth Day, is an exploration of the activism and potential of the largest youth generation in history. RG shows examples of young leaders working to revolutionize systems that have failed their generation. It paints a powerful and hopeful picture of how today’s youth can solve political and environmental crises. Narrated by and featuring Award-Winning actor Michelle Rodriguez (Lost, Avatar, The Fast and The Furious), the film is a manifesto for today's youth on the societal forces that have both shaped and held back their generation. The film offers a roadmap for how the youth can revolutionize political, social and economic systems that have exploited and failed them. As the millennial and youth vote slides backwards in the United States from over 50% in 2016 to 46% in 2020, the movie ends with a call to action for young people to get involved in policy including running for office, revolutionizing outdated parts of our democracy and most importantly, voting. View the trailer here: