experience the MAGIC OF MIGRATION
experience the MAGIC OF MIGRATION
welcome to the 35th annual copper river delta shorebird festival!
This annual event has been bringing bird lovers, nature enthusiasts, and the community of cordova together for over three decades. this year, We invite everyone to be part of this memorable milestone, supporting the festival that highlights the incredible migration of shorebirds to the Copper River Delta each spring. Come for the birds, the breathtaking scenery, and the chance to celebrate with us as we mark this incredible 35th year!
expert speakers
guided birding trips
classes & workshops
& Much More!
2024 festival Schedule
Stay tuned for the 2025 festival schedule. Below is a copy of last year’s schedule as a reference.
2024 Festival ARTIST
Deryn Carter
About the Artist…
Deryn Carter is a Forest Biologist studying the myriad of forests found in Coastal Alaska from Ketchikan to Kodiak via research vessel. Coastal Alaska is her home where she lives on a sailboat with her partner and dog, spending her personal time hiking its mountains, sailing its winds, and weaving its natural materials into baskets and art. She was compelled to create this year's design during new explorations in block printing and digital art, drawing inspiration from the details embodied in shorebird plumage and the dynamic watercourses of the Copper River Delta with its life-teeming mud.
This design will be available for purchase on both stickers and apparel at the festival welcome table. As well as visible throughout the festival.
Support cordova's small businesses!
Support cordova's small businesses!
Spend Local!
Check out the Shopping & Dining Guide located in your festival registration packet.
Track your local spending with the “Cordova Passport” that you will receive in your registration packet. (This helps us track the economic impact of this festival!)
Visit local businesses to participate in their Shorebird Festival Sales & Specials!
Sign-up for a few “Third Party Activities” During the Festival.
shop shorebird!
Get ready for Shorebird Festival in style! Visit our Shorebird Store to shop exclusive festival merch and show your support for the event.
plan your trip to cordova
plan your trip to cordova
Fly with Alaska Airlines directly into Anchorage and Cordova, and enjoy a special shorebird festival discount for great savings on your flights with the Alaska Airlines Discount Code: ECMO120
Online bookings are also open to travel via the Alaska Marine Highway System. Visit their sailing calendar to view available sailings and then book using this link.
citizen science during the festival
Log Your Sightings on ebird
Don't forget to visit eBird.com to log your bird sightings while you're in Cordova! It's also a neat place to see what kinds of birds are arriving when and where!
international shorebird survey
In 1974, Manomet organized the volunteer-based International Shorebird Survey (ISS) to gather information on shorebirds and the wetlands they depend on. Through the work of dedicated volunteers conducting field surveys during spring and fall migrations, this monitoring network provides hemispheric data on shorebirds.
pws science center research
During the Shorebird Festival, you may notice researchers from PWS Science Center using mist nets to capture shorebirds at Hartney Bay. Working with Environment and Climate Change Canada, we will be collecting the fecal droppings of migrating shorebirds to identify the presence of microplastics.
Estuary coastlines tend to have elevated levels of plastic pollution. Because many shorebird populations are declining, determining impacts of plastic pollution exposure and ingestion by shorebirds is important. This project is part of a larger, multi national effort to document shorebird exposure to plastic pollution along the coastline of the eastern Pacific Ocean. If you have experience mist netting and would like to volunteer to help with this effort during the festival, email aschaefer@pwssc.org. To learn more about PWSSC’s work, click the button below.